
Blow The Man Down

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Engelsk folkemelodi - Tekst: Ukendt


Oh, blow the man down, bullies, blow the man down!

To me way-aye, blow the man down.

Oh, blow the man down, bullies, blow him away.

Give me some time to blow the man down.


As I was awalking down Paradise Street,

to me way-aye, blow the man down.

A pretty young damsel I chanced for to meet.

Give me some time to blow the man down.


She was round in the counter and bluff in the bow,

to me way-aye, blow the man down.

So I to ok in all sail and cried, "Way enough now."

Give me some time to blow the man down.


So I tailed her my flipper and took her in tow,

to me way-aye, blow the man down.

And yardarm to yardarm away we did go.

Give me some time to blow the man down.


But as we were going she said unto me,

to me way-aye, blow the man down.

"There's a spanking full-rigger just ready for sea.

" Give me som e time to blow the man down.


But as soon as that packet was clear of the bar,

to me way-aye, blow the man down.

The mate knocked me down with the end of a spar.

Give me some time to blow the man down.


So I give you fair warning before we belay,

to me way-aye, blow the man down.

Don't never take heed of what pretty girls say.

Give me some time to blow the man down.



En af de kendteste halyard-shanties, som blev sunget i takt med, at sømændene halede fx ankeret ind. Sangen her handler om en ung fyr, der bliver shanghajet til at være sømand af en ung pige, han samler op. Det foregår altsammen i de glade dage i midten af 1800-tallet, hvor fragtbadene (the packet liners) gik i fast rutefart mellem New York

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